
About Me

I had a real hard time figuring out what I wanted to be when I grew up.  In college I changed majors a few times and then just figured I would just pick something I liked and was good at so I could at least finish with a degree and get a fantastic job somewhere.  Being a housewife never crossed my mind.  I wanted a career first and family later.  Fast forward a few years and I would give anything to be a stay at home mom. 

This isn't possible at the moment so I have to settle for having a fulfilling career while spending every nonworking minute with my husband Mike and my children Mikey and Lola. 

I grew up in Jersey and Northern Spain (yes, I am Spanish and pale.  Not all Spaniards are dark skinned.  Go figure right?) but have been living in Pennsylvania since 2006.  I met my husband the second day of college, hours after he walked into Philosophy class 45 minutes late.  It was a 50 minute class.  That should have been a sign but it was obviously a turn on.  Nearly 14 years later we are happily married with two beautiful children.  The discussion has begun as to when number 3 will join us but for now we are happy with two. 

I am a serial Weight Watchers member.  I join, lose weight, get off it, gain weight, join again.  This crazy love affair has been going on for 16 years.  This time I am determined to make it stick. Until I get pregnant again then it's all over.  I was the skinniest I had ever been on my wedding night, then got pregnant, gained 80 pounds and have been struggling ever since.  I reached a point when Mikey was a little over one that I realized I really had to do something about my weight, so I got pregnant again to avoid the topic.  Decisions stink.

I love my family, the one I made, the one I was born into and the one I married into.  This blog is about my family, my life and me.  I hope you enjoy your visit.  

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