
Thursday, August 23, 2012

No use resisting

For as long as I can remember, I have resisted things that I thought were just fads.  If I thought for a second that one of the “plastics” was going to do it, I would preach about how stupid it was.  As soon as something because popular, you bet your ass I would stop liking it or wouldn’t even consider it.  Then suddenly one day, I did the unthinkable.  I grew up.  Here is a list of things I thought were just for hipsters or douche bags, and therefore, I avoided. 
Sushi:  I hated sushi.  Not the actual food because I had never eaten it but the whole sushi experience. The only people I ever heard rave about sushi were those who looked down at others.  People who felt they were more cultured than you because after all, they ate raw fish.  It probably all started because of Molly Ringwald’s character Claire in The Breakfast Club.  She was my least favorite character and she had sushi for lunch.  Who the hell brings sushi for lunch to Saturday detention?!  Just someone who is completely stuck up and full of themselves.   I hated that people used chop sticks and thought they were bad asses because they could use them correctly. A few years ago, at a lunch outing with some former coworkers they insisted I try it.  Determined to hate it and them for that matter, I tried some California, Philly and Tuna Rolls.  Wow!  I couldn’t believe that my pretentious attitude was making me miss out on something so delicious!  I was hooked and even got bummed when I had to give it up because I was pregnant!  I now realize how delicious sushi is and am very happy it has entered my life.
Dave Matthews Band:   DMB was popular when I was in high school and the only people that I thought listened to the band were the girls on the field hockey and lacrosse teams and their buddies and the guys who all wore button down shirts to school every day (uniforms were not required).  They would talk about going to the concerts and getting wasted and how much fun they had.  I, who didn’t listen to any music made after 1989, just saw the band as a stupid musical ensemble who gave an excuse for girls to get wasted and act like complete fools in the Meadowlands parking lot.  That Crash song was pretty awesome, but that was it.  Then in 1999 I met my now husband and he was a huge DMB fan (mind you, he also wore a button down shirt every day, even when he wasn’t in his uniform).  He had me listen to all the albums and while extremely hesitant at first, I sort of found myself really liking the band.  Now, I appreciate the band and their musical ability and if a song comes on while I am surfing the radio, I turn it up as opposed to holding back vomit as I switch the station. 
Pilates:  When it came to working out, I did cardio and weights.  If I were going to do a class it would be a boot camp class or some fun dancing class.  I wouldn’t lie on the floor and do yoga or Pilates because it was highly ineffective and a complete waste of time; a work out for girls who couldn’t lift weights.  Boy was I completely wrong on this one!  A friend of mine suggested we try a Pilate’s class one day.  I thought, sure I’m a little tired so I wouldn’t mind a light workout.  Holy shit, those words came back and didn’t just bite me in the ass, they totally kicked it.  15 minutes into class I was begging for mercy.  I had pain in areas that I didn’t even think could feel pain. I swear even my eye balls hurt after that class.  That chipper bitch of a teacher, kicking her legs in the air while we lay on mats, contorting our bodies in cruel was is an image I will never get out of my head.  I will never do Pilates again because I do not think it is fair to my body to treat it so poorly. After that day I had a new found respect for anyone who could do it on a regular basis. 
So there are a few things that I have tried and changed my mind about.   I know that I shouldn’t avoid doing things just because I don’t like others who do those things.  You never know what you are missing out on.  However, skinny jeans, vegetarianism, veganism, coffee shops and weird ethnic foods are to be left to the hipster idiots who truly feel they are better than the rest.  And Josie….

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